rough week
I've had a bit of a rough week. I'm not sure what happened (did nothing out of the ordinary), but on Thursday last week my body decided to reject the food I had put in it, then I had a low blood sugar wobble, then I couldn't sleep and on Friday felt really horrible.
It didn't feel like M.E. so I didn't do any RT, but on Saturday it did feel like M.E. but I still didn't do any RT. I wasn't sure how to apply it. You apply the RT when you feel the symptoms come on, but in this case I just woke up feeling shit and got less shit as the day went on. I'm unsure how to do RT on something that feels like a hangover and just lingers around, might email Georgiana about that.
Yesterday after doing some photography for a couple of hours, I got my more recognisable M.E. symptoms, so did RT on them. Body mind not giving me anything specific to act on, but I kind of thought that just meant stop doing what I was doing when the symptoms came on (using the computer). Symptoms eased off.
Felt not wonderful this morning, but picked up in the afternoon. I find the heat a real challenge when I'm not at my best and spent the day with a bright red sweaty face. Maybe I should have done RT on that.
It's easy to do RT on the symptoms that I get when I've been doing something for a bit too long. You just stop what you are doing, get your card out and focus on your symptom. Other things like the low blood sugar, the insomnia, the 'hangover' and dodgy thermostat are a bit different. I don't get these sympoms on a day-to-day basis now, so I kind of forgot to class them as symptoms that RT can work on and just didn't think to do it.
Maybe if I did some RT on my horrendous memory, I could remember to do RT all of my symptoms.
Anyway, the path is not smooth...