Thanks for all the well wishes...
...just thought I'd stop by to tell you my latest news and I saw the comments you guys have left & just wanted to say thanks. I've been completely free from my old illness since my last post and my life has gone off in a completely different direction.
About 3 years ago, when I was very ill, I realised that it wasn't travelling the world that was the thing I grieved for so much, it was the potential loss of having a partner and a family. I really didn't think it was on the cards at all, due to all the challenges that having M.E. faces you with. I didn't realise I wanted to be a mother so much, until I was confronted with the possibility of it not happening.
As I recovered I was very honest with my partner that I wanted a baby. He wanted one as much as I did. cut a long story short....about a month after I considered myself fully recovered, we decided to stop trying 'not' to get pregnant. We expected to have to wait 6-12 months at least, but we got pregnant immediately.
So we decided to go the whole hog and get married too. So in a month I will be a wife and in 6 months time I will be a mum too.
I have everything I could have wished for and thank my lucky stars every day.
My old next door neighbour once said to me, you have to believe that you can recover and then you will. He was absolutely spot on.
If you are interested in trying Reverse Therapy or Lightning Process, go to their websites, which you can find on Google. I saw an RT practitioner based in Clifton, Bristol and an LP trainer based in Bath. I can recommend them both.
OMG Miss B!
oh happy news - I just stumbled across your old blog and was so pleased to read this.
I am still improving on MT - been doing it 10 months. I have further ground to make up and sometimes I feel really stuck, but overall I want to believe that I can recover too.
Please keep us updated with all your news. It's been inspiring to read about your journey.
Hi Miss B,
Fantastic news ! I'm delighted for you, congratulations. Prepare for your life to change completely... again :-) We now have 2 little boys and I think I can safely say that thanks to RT, A's ME is only a relatively minor factor in all the trials and delights that come with having kids... Remember it takes 9 months to grow a baby, and 9 months to recover, so cut yourself plenty of slack and make sure you have lots of support on hand. Being a parent is an amazing experience, wonderful and terrible at the same time - relish it :-)
Dear Miss B,
It was nice to read an update on your blog!
Congratulations on getting married and becoming a mother!
I was doing RT on myself in 2005 and I think we wrote a couple of e-mails. I am also recovered from CFS and doing well.
I first came across this blog ages ago,
it was one of my first inspiration to look into the lightning process,
so, thanks a lot :D
there's a bunch of resources for the curious at my LP site here:
I found your blog and was interested I just started RT treatment so it's good to hear for someone who has been there and got well thanks for the site and congrats on your child! Regards Jane
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