little miss reverse

A journey from ME/CFS to health using Reverse Therapy and Lightning Process

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

2nd session

I had my second session with Georgiana today. I told her about the improvements that I have noticed, specifically about the fact that my body seems to have ceased to give me symptoms for physical activity. I told her about going swimming and actually pushing myself a little bit, working my body just for a couple of lengths and only experiencing a relaxed tiredness over the next couple of days (not the M.E. tiredness that I'm so familiar with). I was a bit uncertain about what was going on as I was sure that it would have just tipped me over into 'overdoneit' after everything else I've been doing lately...but it didn't and I just did what a healthy person would have done - had a chilled couple of days then carried on where I left off. Obviously this is a bit of a shock and it will be a little while before I get my confidence in this new found physical ability.

I explained that now my sticking points were driving, using the computer and conflict. I haven't had any conflict to deal with over the last month so we focused on the other 2. She asked me to close my eyes, to feel my body, to feel my centre of gravity drop and to be aware of my feet on the floor then asked me to go back to a time when I had been driving on the way to swimming (which is the last time I had the symptom from driving). Immediately I went back to a time when I was first ill and had over done it by driving half way across town after going swimming and my brain shut down on the drive home, being firstly very dangerous and secondly very scary. My body mind was scared.

Again with the computer, I focused on my body and went back to when I first got ill and was working. I remember sitting in front of the computer litterally using all my energy to keep myself upright and feeling scared that my body was doing so many wierd things. I was scared that I was going mad or that I had a brain tumor. My bodymind was scared.

From these examples she came up with a message for me which was very simple but was about listening to ALL of my symptoms and giving them the attention they deserve.

She said that it sounded like I had some chemical memories stored in my body from these events in the past that were originally to protect me, but they were no longer needed. I just need to let my bodymind know that I am listening and paying attention to the symptoms (by doing the RT) and eventually the headmind and the bodymind will come into alignment and the symptoms will go away. I have complete faith that this will happen as I have just realised in the last few days that my most troublesome symptom which has been fatigue for a very long time now has not surfaced in my symptom journal since 30th July, that's 2 weeks at the moment (and after a huge step up in my physical activity). My main symptoms now are tension in my neck and my shoulders and a tight head.

Georgiana said that I probably need just one more session, which I have in my diary for 5 weeks time. That will mean I will have spent £240 on RT - an absolute bargain! I don't think I will be completely 'cured' in 5 weeks time, there's a lot of building up stamina and fitness to do and getting used to being able to 'do' things which will take a while. I do think that in 5 weeks time I will have all the tools and the confidence in RT to see this thing through to my fullest health, whatever that may be.


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