hello symptoms
flippin ek, I got symptoms today. Only very mild fatigue - tension in my neck, headache, sore eyes and a general feeling of grating in my head, like everything needs a bit of oiling.
I feel like swearing a lot, sh**, bo******, f***! Hate it when I get symptoms after going so long without any, I wish it would all just go away now. I get it! OK! So stop flippin doing that now!
The reason for the symptoms is anxiety. I have been feeling a bit stressed about going to V festival this coming weekend as I am having trouble sorting out my disabled access to the disabled carpark and camping field, as I don't have a disabled ticket. I've been emailing all week without a response, I've phoned up the ticket agent and they just suggested I buy another ticket at a further cost of £120, but they don't have any left anyway. Grrr! It looks like I'm not going to be able to take my car on site, so I (my boyfriend probably) am going to have to carry my camping gear, which is stressing me out. There are lots of unknowns, so I am getting a bit anxious.
I spoke to my bf and we decided that if it's all too much we can just come home early, so I have given myself permission to leave at any point. I do want to go, but I don't want to have a stressful time.
Symptoms are mostly related to anxiety of future things and chemical memories related to past events these days. Thanks goodness I don't feel like that every day anymore, what a relief. Feeling well is such a blessing. Role on tommorrow and fingers crossed this horrid cloak of fatigue lifts.