I like driving in my car
Just hit another major milestone in my recovery! I drove from Bristol to Birmingham in my car on my own and drove back again a few days later. I haven't been able to do that for more than 4 years.
I did have some anxiety about driving up and I could feel the symptoms almost waiting in the wings to come and get me, but recently I've been able to overide them somehow. I think it's because I know that it is all based on anxiety and that they disappear with familiarity with the activity. So, even though I felt anxious and I did get a headache from driving, I just took it easy, stopped and had a long break when I needed to and stepped back from the anxious feelings. I used the radio to distract myself from the anxiety and when I felt it creeping in on me, I drove in the slow lane, turned up the music and sang at the top of my voice. It all worked a treat.
I was really tired when I arrived and had to lie down for half an hour, but then I was fine and there was no post-exertional stuff the next day.
On the way back, it was much easier. I didn't get a headache and I didn't need to stop and even went out to the pub in the evening. I still felt the anxiety trying to get a hold, but I knew I could do it, so just ignored it.
This is a really important step for me because for a while I have had chemical memories related to driving and this has shown me how the negative CM is being replaced with positive CM and the symptoms are disolving.
Well dine, girl! So glad to see that you are successfully meeting challenge after challenge. We have a lot in common on that front - always learning and always making forward movement with our vitality because we're *applying* what we learn and thus being rewarded!
Millions of thanks for your comment on my blog too.=)
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