little miss reverse

A journey from ME/CFS to health using Reverse Therapy and Lightning Process

Monday, July 25, 2005

help yourself

At my first session, my therapist said that I had a good understanding of RT and that I was already doing some of it.

I tried to do as much preparation as I could and I think that if you can do that, you are giving yourself a head start and also saving yourself some money!

This is what I did:

Read the Mickel RT book (download from the Mickel RT site)
Read the John Eaton book (bought from Amazon)
Searched all the M.E. websites and message boards (that I know of) for any discussions on RT
Read Adam Del-Monte's blog (
Discussed RT on the Bristol M.E. groups message board with others who are having the therapy and those who aren't
Practised keeping a symptom journal
Practised listening to my bodymind

All of the above helped. The things that helped me understand the process the most were John Eaton's book and Adams Blog. The thing that has helped have a head start is just trying to do it before I started my therapy.

It's quite an unusual concept to get your head around, especially when you are so used to pacing. I have spent the last 3 years trying NOT to have symptoms, but now I need my symptoms so that I can do my RT. Its a strange place to be in, but I trust my instincts and will still be using pacing too, as I only want to feel my symptoms gently and not have a relapse.


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